3 Facts That Makes a Blog Post-Good Hero Image

Since we started to post on our blog articles, we’ve created and seen a lot of articles, and each article we created, had many versions until the final one. All this time we had articles that were great, and other articles that didn’t have the same success. 

Drafting was a really helpful technique progressing our way through but it’s not only about that, as many bloggers would say.  There are many more things that make a blog post good, and this article is exactly about that. 

#1 Create a Catchy Headline

Headlines are one of the main reasons why blog posts are being read. Readers and potential readers will continue to surf your post in the hope of finding the information they need, and probably you are reading this article for the same reason. But you will never get an audience if you don’t make the headline good enough even if your content is pure gold

If you are selling a product or service via a blog post, probably it would be better to talk first about why people need your product, and at last why your product is cheaper and not the other way around. This will ensure the growth of the audience and bring more readers to you. 

On the other hand, things that determine a great headline are 

  • Time-frame
  • Topic
  • Goa
  • Context
  • Target audience
  • Type of the Post

If you know precisely what is the answer to all these, then you will be able to create a catchy headline for your post. 

Remember, the headline is the first thing the reader sees and it can be the last one if you don’t get their attention enough, so don’t mess up. 

#2 Write An Incursive Paragraph

This is mandatory, and worthy posts have it. And that’s because you don’t want to be boring straight after the title. Telling what the post is about in a paragraph, you would gain respect from your audience, and at least – not waste their time. 

You can make this paragraph in different ways, depending again on the “Holy Three T”  – Topic, Target, Type. This paragraph is not only summarizing the entire article, but it teases the audience to read further. 

So if you don’t hook the audience from the opening paragraph – you will lose them forever. 

Most of the times, people use as an opening to this paragraph the following: 

  • A Quote
  • A Bold
  • A Question
  • A Disturbing Statement

Which one you will use – it’s up to you and your post, just don’t forget to use this paragraph as there are high chances people won’t continue to read the post further. 

#3 Support Your Point of View

When you will go further in your post, remember always to bring supportive arguments when you state something. Readers always tend to question statements in posts, and based on how rational your arguments are, they will consider a post-professional or average. 

Generally, supportive arguments can be 

  • Facts – which is the best option by far as facts remain facts. 
  • References to books, other posts, opinions, and other trustworthy materials revealing your statement are supported and support the same idea 
  • Rational explanations of your opinion  – that can be highlighted as different from what’s the readers’ opinion. 

This is why you should consider what you want to say, and give second thoughts to your statements, and the way how these are formulated so that nobody misunderstands you. 

A great way to catch attention and ease the reading task of the readers is to use bullets/listing by numbers. In this way, you connect with the reader easier and make information easier to be found. 

Above all, don’t forget the proofread and drafting, as the first one will help you avoid unpleasant situations and the second one will bring your thoughts together. Everything else like structure and style is determined by your personality, vocabulary, and people you talk to or the way you think. 


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