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Link Building: Improve Online Results

SEO & Growth Hacking

As we’ve discussed in our previous article, link building plays an important role in determining a page’s ranking on search results. This means that more high-quality websites leading to your own website will significantly increase your ranking on search engines, based on the focus keywords you use.  Additional to this, there are more benefits, that […]

Top 10 Instagram Trends for 2020

SEO & Growth Hacking

As 2020 approaches, we’re all looking at Instagram’s upcoming trends to plan our marketing strategy for the year. Along with other social media platforms, Instagram has been on the rise these past years. Almost a quarter of a billion people came online for the first time in 2017, that growth has continued and will continue […]

The Road From Freelance to Agency: To Hire Or Not To Hire

SEO & Growth Hacking

At some point, people get enough of their work as freelancers and either this happens because of work overflow or the need for changing something in their working system there is a chance of concluding to create their own agency.  Like in any other field there are risks and benefits that need to be taken […]

3 Facts That Makes a Blog Post-Good

SEO & Growth Hacking

Since we started to post on our blog articles, we’ve created and seen a lot of articles, and each article we created, had many versions until the final one. All this time we had articles that were great, and other articles that didn’t have the same success.  Drafting was a really helpful technique progressing our […]

Why Your SME Needs HR Software


Founders should stop worrying about keeping expenses low and be focusing on their business.  Keeping expenses to a minimum won’t reduce your costs when starting a business. While it may seem rational to keep as many expenses to a minimum as possible while you grow, it is also important to make room in your budget […]

4 Ways To Increase Your Newsletter Open Rate

SEO & Growth Hacking

The harsh truth about email marketing is that almost no one opens newsletter, which means it has a low open rate and many business owners that use email marketing confronted this problem and still do.  From 1000 emails sent, around 10% open it, but for most marketers and industries the number goes even lower as […]

Web Development in 2020: Predictions and Trends

Web Development

As the web industry is in continuous development and technology evolves each year, the web development segment is also moved by these events and leads to the future progress of this sector.  And as 2020 is not so far away, the trends and predictions for the future of web development and programming, in particular, can […]

Top 3 Ways on How to Advertise Your Business Online


If any business is started and or is connected to the web, a high priority is given to advertising. Classic marketing ways and strategies don’t have the same impact as they did 10 years ago, and everything has moved to the internet – consumers, market, competition, they are all there.  The process of “giving a […]

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