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Digital Marketing Essential Guide For Beginners

SEO & Growth Hacking

Digital marketing is a process of promoting and selling your services and products through online platforms like search engines, social media, emails etc. It started with the normalization of the internet, and now it is among the world’s biggest markets which is expected to reach 786 billion by 2026. The basic rule in marketing is […]

How to Create and Sell NFTs – beginner’s guide

SEO & Growth Hacking
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The noise around NFT started in 2020 when the concept was put into practice for the first time. Ever since, the news spread and convinced people interested in this topic to explore and exploit the NFT ecosystem in every possible way. There are thousands of people trying to sell their own non-fungible tokens on all […]

The Fundamentals of SEO-Keyword Volume and Difficulty

SEO & Growth Hacking

SEO is crucial for your company to get a decent appearance on the results page. Keywords play a big part in SEO performance. However, to find a decent keyword, one must look at both volume and difficulty. Is there a perfect sweet spot between these two factors? Study shows that 93% of online journeys start […]

5 Holidays Marketing Tips and Trends for 2021-2022

SEO & Growth Hacking

The holidays period is the most expected by marketers and sales managers around the world and by now many companies have probably already set their campaigns for the winter season. The issue with marketing winter holidays is that they often look similar to previous years, and sure thing if a campaign was a success in […]

Why Mobiteam GmbH Is A Top Web Design Agency in Hamburg

SEO & Growth Hacking Web Development

Mobiteam GmbH is already known for its unique design styles, professional web development, and excellent communication history. Since 2012 the company has delivered on average 30 projects a year projects for SMEs, Government Agencies, Embassies, Libraries, and Non-Profit Organizations. Mobiteam had 3 exits in the US and UK with its grassroots startups. The latest startup […]

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