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How To Know Your Competitors: Step by Step Guide

SEO & Growth Hacking

In the famous book “Theory of Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, there are described two types of environments: The red ocean and the blue ocean. The red ocean is for companies with competitors, and the blue ocean is for companies that don’t have a competitor. Of course, for a business […]

Product Monetization: Why People Are Backing or Paying

SEO & Growth Hacking

Business practices show that having a product is not enough, and making it work for the business – it requires a marketing and sale strategy. In other words, product monetization is crucial for business success, and in this article, we will talk about why people buy products or support their owners/developers. Before starting, it’s worth […]

How To Make Negative Reviews Work For Your Business

SEO & Growth Hacking

If your business is old enough, or big enough – it already met negative reviews. If not, then it will definitely meet. Each negative review and/or negative client has also a positive impact: in case your business reputation relies on reviews, then potential customers are more likely to believe reviewers that criticize your business, and […]

Mobiteam Online Marketing? Yes Please! This is How We Do It

SEO & Growth Hacking

So, if this is not the first article you read on Mobiteam, you have probably noticed that we have a Marketing Department. But from the very beginning the department was meant to work exclusively for Mobiteam, and focused only on growing the company to the phase it is today, and further. On October 15th, we […]

Collaborative Filtering & Recommendation Systems

SEO & Growth Hacking

In the past several years, online shops, online cinemas, and other service providers have progressed in developing algorithms that track user interests, based on which they create a customized list of potentially interesting products and services. Recommendation Systems are a win-win tool for both service providers and customers. The service provider gets more sales and […]

Onboarding: How To Choose and Create Content for It

SEO & Growth Hacking

In our previous article, we talked about onboarding types and why it is important for online businesses. We’ve highlighted the main features of it and described which type of onboarding is more appropriate for each type of business. In this article, we will help you choose the best type for your product and/or service, and […]

User Onboarding: Types & Why Do You Need It

SEO & Growth Hacking

User onboarding is meant to help user’s experience with a product or service, but at the same time is a great marketing tool to attract new customers and raise awareness about what you are promoting. Bad set up onboarding is like an unsuccessful party, where you don’t know anyone, what’s going on and what to […]

Why Your Business Needs a Website in 2020

SEO & Growth Hacking

The pandemic context moved most of the businesses on the web and made the existing ones innovate and improve their services just to maintain their existence. But apart from the current situation, there are more, basic reasons why your business needs a website now in 2020. In this article, we will talk about why digital […]

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