Responsive Webdesign – Was ist das und warum ist es wichtig? Hero Image
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Responsive Webdesign – Was ist das und warum ist es wichtig?


Responsive Webdesign ist eine Technik, bei der der Server denselben HTML-Code an alle Geräte liefert und CSS verwendet wird, um die Darstellung der Website auf jedem Gerät zu ändern. Wenn alle Suchmaschinen die Möglichkeit haben, die Seite und ihre Inhalte zu durchsuchen, wird die Anordnung automatisch erkannt. Kurz gesagt: Responsive Webdesign sorgt dafür, dass der […]

How Do Crawlers Work & What Crawlability Stands For


Ranking in the search engines requires a website with flawless technical SEO. If you really want to get the most out of your website and keep on outranking the competition, some basic knowledge of technical SEO is a must. In this post, we’ll talk about one of the most important concepts of technical SEO: crawlability. […]

UI/UX Design for Ecommerce – Tips & Strategies


For the last decade, commerce has got hundreds of new ways to reach the customer, especially with the leap of innovation in technology and its growing role in everyday life. More and more buyers are turning to the experience of shopping online, more and more sellers start new channels and methods responding to this trend. […]

Top 3 Ways on How to Advertise Your Business Online


If any business is started and or is connected to the web, a high priority is given to advertising. Classic marketing ways and strategies don’t have the same impact as they did 10 years ago, and everything has moved to the internet – consumers, market, competition, they are all there.  The process of “giving a […]

Why You Should Combine Paid and Organic Social Media Activity


Sometimes the best strategy for social media advertising seems to be paid/sponsored posts. At least one out of 5 businesses applied or had a serious thought about paid social media advertising. Most of the time, the results were under the expectations, and ultimately gave up to sponsored posts.  The real issue with low (er) results […]

How To Find The Right Web Design Agency in 2019


If you are thinking about contacting a web design agency in 2019, probably you should know that some things have changed since last time you was searching for one. Without any doubt, finding and working with that perfect web design agency you wish, is not an easy task, at least not when you start. The […]

The Ultimate Tools to Maintain a WordPress Website


Being the owner of a WordPress site can be both daunting and rewarding. Rewarding, because it is easy to build and customize with no need for a developer to build a basic working website. Daunting, because you’re limited to the default design, and in case you don’t know how to code, it can be difficult to get rid of bugs. Most importantly, WordPress isn’t very secure.

5 Reasons Why Your Startup is Better With WordPress


WordPress is currently the most popular CMS available, powering over 74.6 million websites. Statistics also shows that 6 new posts are being published every second through WordPress. Amazing, right?
Today, we will discuss why WordPress is the best CMS for your startup.

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